My Beloved Community,

“How are you doing” seems like an inadequate question given the weight of all the things happening now.

The blows to our freedom, especially to our trans/non-binary and BIPOC community, seem to be endless. I am in such a state of shock, grief, and rage, it’s hard to articulate.

So instead of asking how you are, I’ll reframe it to ask, “what do you need in this moment?” A cry, a glass of lemon water, a snuggle with a loved one (pets included!), a call to your senator…

Whatever it may be, know that I am here and holding space for all of it with you!

Please reach out or DM me if you need someone to connect with. We are stronger with each other!

Just a side note, that Restorative Teaching is and always will be political. I once heard the brilliant Dr. Sonia Nieto say that “good teaching is political.” So let’s keep fighting the good fight!

In solidarity and with much love,


This post was created on the Oregon Tribal Lands of the Cowlitz, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Clackamas, and many other tribes who made their home along the Columbia River.

I take this opportunity to thank the original caretakers of this land, and my elders on my ancestral land of the Blackfoot tribe.

Source: http://communitycheckin